The Hard Way to Complete a Thesis (Classroom Action Research) I’ve already done my proposal examination on Friday April 2009. I choose action research design to be conducted in my research. Ok …Start from Classroom Action Research. Action research is the systematic study of attempts to improve educational practice by groups of participants by means of their own practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effect of that action (Dave Ebbutt in David Hopkins).

There are numerous problems happened in Foreign Language Teaching classroom; it can be found around us in Indonesia especially in Raha, Southeast Sulawesi. And of course it results in meaningless input. One of the big problem is most students are not able to practice English even in simple way. This is very crucial problems. The teacher needs to work hard (with enough or less salary? Another problem has come, he he he). Effective and useful solution is needed to be treated related to the problem found. 

After observing learners’ problem, the teacher has to find suitable technique to cope with the problem. Teacher as a researcher in Classroom Action Research need to support certain technique that maybe the effective one with theories and previous studies. After get supporting theories and studies, the teacher plans the step to be conducted in first cycle. The design of an action research consists of four steps as suggested by Kemmis, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. then go back to my study ......................... upset? or what? It is hard to believe that it might be not the right time do a research. You know what? Senior high school students will have their final test. My supervisor has no time for me this week. So, how do I conduct my research while they are in vacation? 

But I have to be patient in this out of control time. I will and I will try. I hope I don’t miss the boat. I have to make the hay while the sun shines. Doakan Q yach teman-teman ...


  1. akhirnya yah bu... moga kedepanya lebih lancar lagi.congratu....
