01 Mei 2015. On 28 th April 2015, I’ve ordered some books from Binta Al Mamba’s facebook. A cheapest book shop I’ve met. Second books are available there. Suhartini Syukri; a friend of mine, intoduced her to me.
I’m in time waiting the pos. I just curious, what I’ll read. I’m not a book lover. But, sometimes I wish, I have lots of books in my shelf. I like reading, but I’m not a bookworm.  I think Suhartini Syukri have already been a bookworm (she has lots of book, and buys book is her another basic need).
By buying her books, I hope that I can reach Suhartini Syukri’s level (haha! Ini susah mungkin yah, saya kalau baca buku suka lompat-lompat lho, jarang-jarang bisa baca dari A to Z. Biasanya saya buka perlembar, lihat sekilas, mana yang penting, yang menarik kosakatanya itu yang saya baca tekun atau kalau sudah mengerti maksudnya, langsung saya skip ke bagian yang menjadi inti). Can you imagine that? Gak tekun lah saya kalau baca buku. Gak!!!! And this is should be banned! At least, it’s should be minimized!!!
Love book will allow me to be a great mother for my daughter; Hafshoh. Mother should read a lot to educate his children. Mother should read a lot to keep her family warm. Mother should be a smart person to protect her children from parasit.
Another plan, I am going to rich religion book from ahlussunnah shop online. I need book such as shohabah’s story, etc.
Ok… c u
Diposting 04 Mei 2015.